Ready to hop OFF the financial hot mess express?

Uncover an approach to budgeting and debt… that actually works for you

Link arms with a supportive money coach to get on track with budgeting and debt. Move past limiting beliefs. And finally build a solid relationship with your money.

Here’s why you *can* be good with money ( and why you probably don’t believe us… yet )

When it comes to money, you’ve tried it all:

tracking apps, manually documenting every dollar you spend… maybe even ignoring your finances altogether? (Been there. Totally get it. Real solutions ahead!)

But eventually, whatever method you choose starts to feel overwhelming and unsustainable ...

... which kicks up emotions like shame, guilt, and frustration…

…and leads you to think, “Dang, I guess I’m just bad with money. Maybe I’ll never get the hang of this whole adulting thing.”

Financial coaching services

Let’s pause for a sec ...

want to know what that ^ pattern tells uS about you?


You care a lot about getting this right.

But society hasn’t done you many favors when it comes to learning money skills that work with how you think. And with the full, vibrant, and messy life we’re all living!

So know that you *can* be good with money. You care enough to make it happen, or you wouldn’t be here right now.

But you need a path that aligns with how your brain works, and how your life works. And that’s exactly why we created the program on this page.

Financial Coaching is for you if ...

  • You’ve tried setting financial goals for things like budgeting, paying down debt, and saving, but you’ve struggled to stick with the plan ...

  • You’ve ever felt like it was easier to ignore your account balances than figure out how to get better with money ...

  • You go through periods of being really intense about tracking your spending, and eventually it becomes too much ...

  • Your relationship with money is impacted by shame, guilt, negative past experiences (or maybe even how your parents talked about money growing up) ...

  • Money makes you feel stuck. Like you know you need to do something to improve your money skills, but you don’t know where to start ...

  • You’ve ever referred to your financial situation as “a hot mess,” yet you’ve never actually had a safe space to figure out why money feels hard ...

We’ve got so much support ready for you in the . . .

Thrive with money: 6-Month Coaching Program

6 months of empathetic, supportive coaching sessions, accountability, and a customized budget and debt plan that fits your vibe and money personality

YESSS, help me get good with money!

Here’s everything you get:

(ÂżHablas espaĂąol? ÂĄEste programa estĂĄ disponible en espaĂąol tambiĂŠn!)

9 one-on-one sessions with your badass money coach

These private Zoom sessions are designed to meet you where you are, offer personalized support, and help you take action toward your best financial life.

Action steps that work with your life

Get clear actions to take between sessions to keep making progress. If you have trouble, we always can do them together during the sessions to make it as easy as possible!

Custom spreadsheet with your personal budget and debt plan

This financial hub breaks down all action items and recommendations in your budget and debt plan. So you always know exactly what to do to move forward.

All content customized to your needs

We have an awesome program built out, but everything’s flexible to meet your needs. Adjust topics if something isn’t relevant, a system doesn’t fit your vibe, or you need to try a different approach.

A non-judgmental safe space to work on money stuff

Money kicks up a lot of big feelings, and we meet them with compassion. There’s nothing we haven’t seen, so come as your full self and we’ll help you move forward in a way that works for you.

Email support between sessions

Questions are bound to come up as you test drive your new approach to money. Reach out to us any time via email to get support between our sessions together.

Money coach

Hola, I’m Oriana!

Your supportive guide for better financial planning and management


My personal money story has had so many seasons:

  • I experienced poverty growing up.
  • I was a stay-at-home mom for 5 years.
  • I transitioned to primary breadwinner for my family of 5.
  • After getting my Master’s, I decided to become self-employed instead of going the W-2 route.

So when I finally found the approach to money that works for me, I became passionate about helping others do the same.

You deserve financial skills and tools that support the life you want to live. Even if you decided you were “bad with money” a long time ago.

That’s why, inside of our 6-month Thrive With Money program ...

... I offer you a safe space to unpack your history with money, feel seen and heard no matter what the process brings up, and finally find a path forward that works for your situation.

“How does the program work?”


You get nine 60-minute private Zoom sessions with me over 6 months. You’re supported at every step as we co-create and implement your debt and budgeting plan.


For the first 3 months, we meet twice per month.


For the last 3 months, we meet once per month.



Here’s how you’ll go through each session:

Session 1: Your money story

We take some time to chat about your experiences with money. Then I’ll get to know your financial goals so we can create a plan for our time together.

Session 2: Budget Drafting

We’ll draft and review a budget that aligns with your goals and feels really doable for you.

Session 3: Debt repayment planning

Quantify your financial goals, create a debt repayment timeline, and map out the exact steps to get there.

Session 4: Budget systems building

Set up clear budget systems and structures to turn your goals into a cohesive, achievable plan.

Session 5: Troubleshooting session

Assess how your budget is supporting you so far, and troubleshoot as needed to make sure it’s working as hard as possible for you.

Session 6: Mid-program check-in

By this point, you’ve started to make progress and build some powerful habits. We’ll use this time to check in on how you’re feeling, and take a look at your overall net worth.

Sessions 7 & 8: Flex sessions

Sessions 7 and 8 focus on what you need most in the moment. Need accountability to work through a specific action step? We can do it together. Want to chat about something we haven’t covered yet? We can do that, too!

Session 9: Wrapping up the program 🍾 🎉

Get any remaining questions answered and review steps to maintain your progress. (PLUS: we can chat about next steps if you want more support moving forward!)

Want budgeting and debt repayment to finally feel doable?

Click here to join our waitlist! (We only take on a couple engagements per month, to ensure we can deliver great service ️‍🌈✨)

YES, add me to the waitlist!

Click here to book a free 20 minute intro call via phone or Zoom, so we can chat about the best next steps for you!

Yes, but I have a question first!

A one-time investment in your future

You Get:

✔️9 private one-on-one Zoom sessions with your badass money coach
✔️Action steps that work with your life
✔️A custom spreadsheet with your personal budget and debt plan
✔️All content customized to your needs
✔️A non-judgmental safe space to work on money stuff
✔️Email support between sessions

Total price:


Or, break it down into six payments of:

Frequently asked questions

Want to team up and tackle your money goals?

Let’s get you feeling confident about your money

Ready to link arms with a supportive expert who’s committed to helping you win with your money? Let’s work together to build a financial path that truly aligns with your brain, your lifestyle, and your vision for the future.

Yes, help me win with my money!
Financial planning and management